Friday, November 23, 2018

Answered prayers, Christmas coming, working hard and finding success...

November 11, 2018

I am really glad that all those things happened like they did for you, mom. I am so glad that Heavenly Father answered your prayer like he did and I’m so glad that you were able to find your earring that dad had given to you on your 25th wedding anniversary. Those kind of things happen all the time in missionary work all the way to the smallest of the small things. God blesses all who keep his commandments temporally and spiritually.

That is cool you are going to go eat lunch with Elder Ashby`s mom. The Christmas party for the missionaries is mostly a secret, but I do know that there is going to be a talent show and a Secret Santa with all of the missionaries. We are being given 250 pesos each to buy gifts for another missionary’s name that we pull out of a hat.  

So, we went out looking for a new pension for ourselves that a sister in the branch had said she knew of that we could check out, so we walked by to see it, and we found out that it had already been rented out, but we met a family and taught them and we met this kid named E. that is so prepared for baptism that it is insane! He came to church with us and we haven’t even taught him yet. He was talking with the leaders in the church and he is in major need of the gospel. He loved church and so I think he is for sure going to get baptized. I am super excited. God leads us to people like that in random ways. Yeah, I am way good friends with Elder Pratt. He is sitting next to me right now as I’m typing this letter. He says he is directly related to Parly P. Pratt. I am that Elise and Coleton came over to visit the family. They are great friends!

So, the people in the picture we took at the Asado, was the whole zone. Some of them are serving in Laguna Blanca and others in La Primavera. The building were we had the Asado is on top of the zone leader`s pension. It is the nicest pension in the mission. The picture of Elder Smith at the Asado is of him trying to do the sasquatch pose in the background, Haha. I think it turned outpretty good! Haha!

So, update on this week. It has been sooooooo freaking hot. I am tired of being wet and sweaty all the time! Haha.
(Dad asked him how many Book of Mormons he has placed, he said; )
Just in my time in Clorinda, I have found hundreds of people to teach and I have an average of like 20 lessons a week. We teach our butts off. But it is hard for the people here to get to baptism. This week we have found so many good investigators with a lot of potential. We just have to teach a lot more lessons. We are having a lot of success right now. 
So, in a week, I probably hand out like 5 or 6 Book of Mormons, in my whole mission, I have probably handed out hundreds. To be honest, I am pretty sure every house here in Clorinda has had a Book of Mormon placed in it. We find stuff of the church, all over the place here, the seeds are definitely being planted. Haha!
Boca and River (to Argentine soccer teams) are playing for the final and that hasn`t happened in a long time and the rivalry between Boca and River is insane here. The fans go crazy. They made us stay in our pension during the game. It was a tie, but they will play again soon, you guys should try to watch it, it is a huge game! I’m sure you will find it broadcast on TV somewhere.

Well, I can`t wait for Christmas. I am sooo excited to see you guys too! Don`t worry, I wont get too trunky. I still work very hard out here. To be honest, I am very grateful for your sacrifice in keeping me out here on my mission. I am so thankful for a great family.  

Dad, My car looks amazing thank you so much for cleaning it! I can`t wait to see it again. You did such a great job on the rims!

I love you and miss you all and I hope everything is great there in Utah. I’m excited for the snow and cold weather! I have the best parents ever.

Elder Pendleton

One of the kittens we found that someone just left to die. A dude passed by on his motorcycle and said he would take care of it and took it...

And some kids fishing in a zanja (ditch) and called us over and showed us the fish that they had pulled out of there. I gave the fishing a try, but I didn't catch anything, haha...

 Walking out tracting in the campo...

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